UX Research Labs, Making Your Life Simply Simple.
why test
If you are a business or person using websites or software to attain any goal, whether it be providing information, services, or products to employees or customers, then it is urgent that your software/website invite your users in a way that is friendly and attractive. Please look at the questions below that pertain to you to get more information on why usability testing will benefit you.

Why should I test?

The answer is easy. You should test to provide your target audience with a product they will want to use. You want to create a website or software program that your users will promote to their friends as a product they had a great experience with.

Well I already have web developers so why do I need usability experts also?

UX Research Labs has the utmost respect for programmers and developers. However, it is our specialty to find out what your users want, need, and expect from your product. We work with your designers and developers through communicating your users needs. A site can be designed by a team of programming and design geniuses, but they ARE NOT your target audience. They are not your users, and your users are what ultimately determine if your website or software program will sink or swim.

Why should I test my website?

Statistically, web users only spend 10-20 seconds looking for information on a page. If they don't find what they are looking for during these few seconds they click on to a site that will give them what they want faster. It is our job at UX Research Labs to ensure that your 10-20 seconds don't break your users' experiences, they make it! Our comprehensive testing services are developed scientific processes that have been proven time, and time again, to increase your user satisfaction rates, as well as your ROI.

Why should I test my software program?

Have you ever gone to the doctor for an ailment and upon leaving you are even more confused than before about what is troubling you? This is how many users feel when they are trying to learn, navigate, and increase their efficiency and productivity when working with new (and old) software programs. Many software programs are designed by experts and are very difficult for novice users to catch onto quickly. Just think of UXRL as the nurse who comes to see you after the doctor has left who tells you not to worry about your case of Orthomyxoviridea Influenza because all it means is that you have the common flu, and it will pass.

What stage in product development should I test?

The great thing about user testing is that it can be done at any stage in the product development lifecycle! Our experts are trained to improve any software program or website at any stage. However, the earlier testing begins the better off you and your product will be. Testing is an iterative process and should continue through product development and after product launch.